Prices in shops and supermarkets in Serbia December 2024

What can you buy in supermarkets in Serbia? What are the prices of food products, household appliances, laundry and dishwashing products. What drugs are available and how much they cost in supermarkets. What are the available body and hair care products? How much do frozen food cost and is it possible to buy products from international cuisine. And for how much you can buy shoes in the supermarket.

On this page you can read the list of prices and products available in shops and supermarkets in Serbia. Products available in stores have been grouped into categories.

Prices and availability of products in shops and supermarkets in Serbia: Belgrade  

See also: food prices   Prices in restaurants   cost of living   entertainment costs  

Below you will find the categories of products that can be purchased in shops and supermarkets in Serbia.

Best selling

  1. Napkin Home Jumbo white 1 1 two-layer(): $2.7 (RSD 300) (Ubrus Home Jumbo beli 1 1 dvoslojni())
  2. Blueberry 125g homemade(): $2.3 (RSD 260) (Borovnica 125g domaca())
  3. Chicken file premium 500g Fresh Meat(): $3.4 (RSD 380) (Pileci file premium 500g Sveze Meso())
  4. Coffee grinded Grand Gold 200g(): $2.9 (RSD 320) (Kafa mlevena Grand Gold 200g())

prices Best selling (30) >>

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  1. Pineapple(): $1.7 (RSD 190) (Ananas())
  2. Orange(): $0.9 (RSD 100) (Pomorandža())
  3. Kiwis basket(): $1.1 (RSD 120) (Kivi korpica())
  4. Apple Greni Smith homemade(): $0.99 (RSD 110) (Jabuka Greni Smit domaca())

prices Fruit (19) >>

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  1. Beans white(): $2.2 (RSD 250) (Pasulj beli())
  2. Leek 500g Maxi Market homemade(): $1.1 (RSD 120) (Praziluk 500g Maxi Pijaca domaci())
  3. Blue eggplant homemade(): $2.7 (RSD 300) (Plavi patlidzan domaci())
  4. Potatoes white washed(): $0.62 (RSD 69) (Krompir beli opran())

prices Vegetable (25) >>

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Packaged salads

  1. Salad Capri 200g Maxi Market(): $1.2 (RSD 135) (Salata Kapri 200g Maxi Pijaca())
  2. Salad Fantasia 180g Maxi drink(): $1.1 (RSD 120) (Salata Fantasia 180g Maxi pija())
  3. Cabbage 200g Maxi Market(): $0.72 (RSD 80) (Kupus 200g Maxi pijaca())
  4. Sargarepa 200g Maxi Market(): $0.72 (RSD 80) (Sargarepa 200g Maxi pijaca())

prices Packaged salads (5) >>

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Organic fruits and vegetables

  1. Was lemon 500g(): $1.2 (RSD 130) (Bio limun 500g())
  2. Was an apple 500g(): $1.2 (RSD 130) (Bio jabuka 500g())
  3. Bio potatoes red 1kg(): $1.8 (RSD 200) (Bio krompir crveni 1kg())
  4. Bio potatoes white 1kg(): $1.8 (RSD 200) (Bio krompir beli 1kg())

prices Organic fruits and vegetables (5) >>

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Dried fruit

  1. Figs dry(): $9 (RSD 1K) (Smokve suve())

prices Dried fruit (1) >>

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  1. Chicken breast fudtiner Premia(): $3.6 (RSD 400) (Pilece grudi fudtajner Premia())
  2. Pork door s k Premia(): $4.8 (RSD 530) (Svinjski vrat s k Premia())
  3. Pork for gulas Premia(): $5.9 (RSD 652) (Svinjsko meso za gulas Premia())
  4. Juneci but b k snicla Premia(): $8.7 (RSD 968)

prices Meat (13) >>

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Meat contingencies

  1. Sprouted Country Steak Karst 100g(): $4.2 (RSD 470) (Prsut Seoski narezak Kras 100g())
  2. Pork breasted slime Zlatibor100g(): $3.2 (RSD 357) (Svinjska prsuta slajs Zlatiborac 100g())
  3. Kulen slime Golden Fighter 100g(): $2 (RSD 220) (Kulen slajs Zlatiborac 100g())
  4. Homemade salami salad sweet Zlatibor100g(): $1.3 (RSD 150) (Domaca salama slajs Zlatiborac 100g())

prices Meat contingencies (86) >>

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Meat and fish cans

  1. Beef gulas Carnex 400g(): $4.1 (RSD 460) (Govedji gulas Carnex 400g())
  2. Carnex can meat slice 150g(): $1.3 (RSD 150) (Mesni narezak Carnex limenka 150g())
  3. Liver paste Carnex foil 50g(): $0.41 (RSD 46) (Jetrena pasteta Carnex folija 50g())
  4. Liver paste Carnex foil 75g(): $0.57 (RSD 63) (Jetrena pasteta Carnex folija 75g())

prices Meat and fish cans (85) >>

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  1. Chocolate milk 1%mm My cow BP 1L(): $1.3 (RSD 140) (Cokoladno mleko 1%mm Moja kravica BP 1L())
  2. Cok.milk 1%mm My cow BP 250ml(): $0.49 (RSD 55) (Cok.mleko 1%mm Moja kravica BP 250ml())
  3. Milk permanent2.8%mm Hello Re Cap 1l(): $0.76 (RSD 85) (Mleko trajno 2.8%mm Zdravo Re Cap 1l())
  4. Milk ster.2.8%mm My cow BPslim 1L(): $0.85 (RSD 95) (Mleko ster.2.8%mm Moja kravica BPslim 1L())

prices Milk (82) >>

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Sour milk products

  1. Kiss.cream yogurt.20%mm My cow700g(): $1.6 (RSD 180) (Kis.pavlaka jogur.20%mm Moja kravica700g())
  2. Yogurt Balance+probiotic 1kg TT(): $1.1 (RSD 120) (Jogurt Balans+probiotic 1kg TT())
  3. Kiss.cream 20%mm My Kravica casa180g(): $0.63 (RSD 70) (Kis.pavlaka 20%mm Moja Kravica casa180g())
  4. Kiss.cream 20%mm My cow casa400g(): $0.99 (RSD 110) (Kis.pavlaka 20%mm Moja kravica casa400g())

prices Sour milk products (135) >>

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  1. Egg coconut 10 1 L Premia(): $1.8 (RSD 200) (Kokosija jaja 10 1 L Premia())
  2. Egg coconut 10 1 M Premia(): $1.7 (RSD 190) (Kokosija jaja 10 1 M Premia())
  3. Egg coconut 6 1 L Premia(): $1.1 (RSD 122) (Kokosija jaja 6 1 L Premia())
  4. Egg coconut omega 3 6 1 Nature promise(): $1.4 (RSD 157) (Kokosija jaja omega 3 6 1 Nature promise())

prices Eggs (12) >>

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Other dairy products

  1. Kinder Pingui Chocolate 30g(): $0.49 (RSD 55) (Cokolada Kinder Pingui 30g())
  2. Kinder Milch-Schnitte chocolate 28g(): $0.48 (RSD 53) (Cokolada Kinder Milch-Schnitte 28g())
  3. Sutlias Dukat 150g(): $0.78 (RSD 87) (Sutlijas Dukat 150g())
  4. Pudding Zottis chocolate 115g(): $0.36 (RSD 40) (Puding Zottis cokolada 115g())

prices Other dairy products (24) >>

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Other sterilized products

  1. Cream cream herbal Creme Patisserie 5(): $1.8 (RSD 203) (Slag krem biljni Creme Patisserie 5())
  2. Spray herbal Creme Patisserie(): $1.9 (RSD 214) (Slag sprej biljni Creme Patisserie())
  3. Meggle cooking cream 20%mm 0.5(): $1.8 (RSD 200) (Pavlaka za kuvanja Meggle 20%mm 0.5())
  4. Cooking cream.10%mm light Meggle 5(): $1.7 (RSD 190) (Pavlaka za kuv.10%mm light Meggle 5())

prices Other sterilized products (23) >>

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  1. Sir Parmesan Grana padano Zanetti 50g(): $1.6 (RSD 174) (Sir Parmezan Grana padano Zanetti 50g())
  2. Sir Toast Topi classic Pearl 120g(): $0.94 (RSD 105) (Sir Tost Topi classic Biser 120g())
  3. Sir Parmesan Zanetti Formag.per pasta40g(): $1 (RSD 116) (Sir Parmezan Zanetti Formag.per pasta40g())
  4. Sir President Somborska 250g(): $1.3 (RSD 145)

prices Cheese (60) >>

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Ready made eating

  1. Salad Russian Up to eggs 200g box(): $2 (RSD 220) (Salata Ruska Do jaja 200g kutija())
  2. Salad Russian Up to eggs 500g(): $4.5 (RSD 500) (Salata Ruska Do jaja 500g())
  3. Salad Russian Biotrend 160g(): $1.7 (RSD 190) (Salata Ruska Biotrend 160g())
  4. Send.Oh la lunch sunand cheese 160g No.1(): $1 (RSD 115) (Send.Oh la lunch sunka i sir 160g No.1())

prices Ready made eating (23) >>

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Half finished eateries

  1. Premia 200g pizza pad(): $0.36 (RSD 40) (Podloga za pizzu Premia 200g())
  2. Tortilla Mexico Pip 320g(): $2 (RSD 228) (Tortilja Mexicana Pip 320g())
  3. Tortilla wheat Premia 8 1 320g(): $1.1 (RSD 124) (Tortilja psenicna Premia 8 1 320g())
  4. Yeast fresh bakery Boiling 50g(): $0.4 (RSD 45) (Kvasac svez pekarski Vrenje 50g())

prices Half finished eateries (24) >>

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  1. Sirko spread Milkman Sabac 100g(): $0.63 (RSD 70) (Sir Sirko namazni Mlekara Sabac 100g())
  2. Sir Ala cream Ml.Sabac 250g(): $1.6 (RSD 180) (Sir Ala kajmak krem Ml.Sabac 250g())
  3. Cream cheese ABC 100g(): $0.72 (RSD 80) (Krem sir ABC 100g())
  4. Cheese melted portions Pearl natur140g(): $0.89 (RSD 99) (Sir topljeni porcijama Biser natur140g())

prices Spreads (19) >>

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  1. Butter My Cow 125g(): $1.6 (RSD 180) (Maslac Moja kravica 125g())
  2. Butter President 125g(): $1.8 (RSD 200) (Maslac President 125g())
  3. Meggle premium butter 125g(): $1.8 (RSD 200) (Meggle premium maslac 125g())
  4. Butter easy cuddle. Alpinesse Meggle pvc250g(): $2.9 (RSD 322) (Maslac lako maz.Alpinesse Meggle pvc250g())

prices Butter (5) >>

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Margarine and vegetable fat

  1. Margarine Diamond 250g(): $0.7 (RSD 78) (Margarin Dijamant 250g())
  2. Margarine Table Vital 250g(): $0.72 (RSD 80) (Margarin stoni Vital 250g())
  3. Margarine Good morning 250g(): $0.98 (RSD 109) (Margarin Dobro jutro 250g())
  4. Margarine Diamond DiaVit 250g,(): $0.54 (RSD 60) (Margarin Dijamant DijaVit 250g,())

prices Margarine and vegetable fat (10) >>

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Products of plant origin

  1. Hofmeister Sandwich Snack 150g(): $1.6 (RSD 175)
  2. Houmous natural Ribella 200g(): $1.7 (RSD 185)
  3. Houmous Pumpkin Seeds Ribella 200g(): $1.7 (RSD 188) (Houmous Semenke bundeve Ribella 200g())
  4. Houmous Sitake Ribella 200g(): $1.8 (RSD 200)

prices Products of plant origin (6) >>

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Ice cream and other treats

  1. Vulcano strawberry ice cream, van.500ml(280g)(): $1.8 (RSD 199) (Sladoled Vulkano jagoda,van.500ml(280g)())
  2. Vulcano cok.vanilla 500ml(280g)(): $1.8 (RSD 199) (Sladoled Vulkano cok.vanila 500ml(280g)())
  3. Macho Frikom 75ml ice cream (63g)(): $0.9 (RSD 100) (Sladoled Macho Frikom 75ml (63g)())
  4. Slad.Maximo jog.sum.voce Kornet 105g(): $1.3 (RSD 140)

prices Ice cream and other treats (55) >>

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Frozen fruit

  1. Frozen Height 400g(): $2 (RSD 225) (Smrznuta Visnja 400g())
  2. Frozen Raspberry 400g(): $4.7 (RSD 525) (Smrznuta Malina 400g())
  3. Frozen Mix red fruit 400g(): $2.9 (RSD 320) (Smrznuti Mix crveno voce 400g())
  4. Frozen raspberry Premise 400g(): $3.6 (RSD 400) (Smrznuta malina Premia 400g())

prices Frozen fruit (8) >>

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Frozen vegetables

  1. Frozen peas Frikom 450g(): $1.4 (RSD 155) (Smrznuti grasak Frikom 450g())
  2. Frozen boranium green Frikom 450g(): $1.4 (RSD 157) (Smrznuta boranija zelena Frikom 450g())
  3. Frozen mixture for corbu Frikom 450g(): $1.5 (RSD 165) (Smrznuta mesavina za corbu Frikom 450g())
  4. Frost.mixture Russian salad Frikom 450g(): $1.3 (RSD 145) (Smrz.mesavina ruska salata Frikom 450g())

prices Frozen vegetables (41) >>

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Frozen dough

  1. Frozen frikom pizza pad 200g(): $0.81 (RSD 90) (Smrznuta podloga za pizzu Frikom 200g())
  2. Frozen Zu-Zu with sesam Frick 1kg(): $1.6 (RSD 180) (Smrznuti Zu-Zu sa susamom Frikom 1kg())
  3. Frozen Frikom 1kg(): $2.2 (RSD 240) (Smrznuta pogacica Frikom 1kg())
  4. Frozen cherry pie Frick 1kg(): $2.3 (RSD 260) (Smrznuta pita sa visnjama Frikom 1kg())

prices Frozen dough (23) >>

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Frozen fish

  1. Frikom 400g panned donkey product(): $4 (RSD 450) (Panirani proizvod od oslica Frikom 400g())
  2. Freezing.fruits must for risotto Frikom 300g(): $5.1 (RSD 570) (Smrz.plodovi mora za rizoto Frikom 300g())
  3. Frozen fish sticks Premia 250g(): $1.4 (RSD 160) (Smrznuti riblji stapici Premia 250g())
  4. stick.100% filet Premia 250g(): $1.6 (RSD 173) (Smrz.riblji stap.100% filet Premia 250g())

prices Frozen fish (17) >>

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Frozen meat

  1. Pan.chickenfille sun sir Frikom 400g(): $5.6 (RSD 620) (Pan.pileci file sunka sir Frikom 400g())
  2. Frozen Chicken nuggets 300g(): $3.9 (RSD 432) (Smrznuti Chicken nuggets 300g())

prices Frozen meat (2) >>

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Frozen semi finished courses

  1. Lasagne Frikom 450g(): $3.2 (RSD 360)
  2. Frozen Paella Premia 500g(): $3.1 (RSD 340) (Smrznuta paella Premia 500g())

prices Frozen semi finished courses (2) >>

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  1. Evil Maxi 250g(): $0.45 (RSD 50) (Prezle Maxi 250g())
  2. Moravski Bread Your 5 minutes 350g(): $0.99 (RSD 110) (Hleb Moravski Tvojih 5 minuta 350g())
  3. Bread Toast putero Your 5 minutes 500g(): $1.5 (RSD 170) (Hleb Tost putero Tvojih 5 minuta 500g())
  4. Bread enriched Tonus 300g(): $1.6 (RSD 183) (Hleb obogaceni Tonus 300g())

prices Bakery (55) >>

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Finished cakes and cakes

  1. Cookies Orasnica Stamevski 300g(): $7.7 (RSD 861) (Kolaci Orasnice Stamevski 300g())
  2. Cookies Orasnica Stamevski 150g(): $4.4 (RSD 490) (Kolaci Orasnice Stamevski 150g())
  3. Little Party Stake Premia 500g(): $2.6 (RSD 290) (Kolac Male tulumbe Premia 500g())
  4. Stake Marble Block Jomo 400g(): $3.6 (RSD 400) (Kolac Mramorni blok Jomo 400g())

prices Finished cakes and cakes (8) >>

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Soft drinks

  1. Mineral water fizzed Knjaz Milos 0.5l(): $0.35 (RSD 39) (Mineralna voda gazirana Knjaz Milos 0.5l())
  2. Ng Aqua Viva mineral water 1.5l(): $0.44 (RSD 49) (Mineralna voda NG Aqua Viva 1,5l())
  3. Ng Rosa mineral water 1.5l(): $0.47 (RSD 52) (Mineralna voda NG Rosa 1.5l())
  4. Mineral water NG Prolom 1.5l(): $0.67 (RSD 75) (Mineralna voda NG Prolom 1.5l())

prices Soft drinks (202) >>

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Alcoholic beverages

  1. Beer light Amstel can 0.5l(): $0.64 (RSD 71) (Pivo svetlo Amstel limenka 0.5l())
  2. Beer light Heineken can 0.5l(): $0.97 (RSD 108) (Pivo svetlo Heineken limenka 0.5l())
  3. Beer light Niksicko can 0.5l(): $0.74 (RSD 82) (Pivo svetlo Niksicko limenka 0.5l())
  4. Beer light Budweiser can 0.5l(): $0.86 (RSD 96) (Pivo svetlo Budweiser limenka 0.5l())

prices Alcoholic beverages (222) >>

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Basic life supplies

  1. Polenta Corn Product 500g(): $1.2 (RSD 139) (Palenta Corn Product 500g())
  2. Bite wheat children C 200g(): $0.63 (RSD 70) (Griz psenicni deciji C 200g())
  3. Bite wheat children C 400g(): $1.1 (RSD 120) (Griz psenicni deciji C 400g())
  4. Flour wheat T-400 soft Danubius 1kg(): $0.67 (RSD 75) (Brasno psenicno T-400 meko Danubius 1kg())

prices Basic life supplies (140) >>

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Processing of fruit, vegetables and honey

  1. Bonduelle red beans 400g(): $1.4 (RSD 160) (Crveni pasulj Bonduelle 400g())
  2. Cornisons And Class Power of Nature 680g(): $2.2 (RSD 245) (Kornisoni I klasa Moc prirode 680g())
  3. Corn cecerac Bonduelle 340g(): $1.4 (RSD 160) (Kukuruz secerac Bonduelle 340g())
  4. Ajvar homemade Grandma's secret 550g(): $4.8 (RSD 539) (Ajvar domaci Bakina tajna 550g())

prices Processing of fruit, vegetables and honey (132) >>

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What are the different prices in the cities in Serbia? Look here: Prices in cities in Serbia

Prices: Belgrade   Novi Sad   Subotica   Vranje   Zaječar   Niš   Kragujevac   Kraljevo   Leskovac   Smederevo  

Prices and availability of products in shops and supermarkets in Serbia: Belgrade  

Pizza prices in Serbia: Belgrade  

KFC prices in Serbia: Belgrade  

Do you want to learn more about different prices? See the following comparison:


$1.8 ($1.1 - $2.9)
64% is less expensive than in United States


$76 ($27 - $126)
by half more than in United States

bottle of water

$1.2 ($0.9 - $1.8)
by half less than in United States

Burger King or a similar bar

$7.6 ($7.2 - $9)
29% is less expensive than in United States


$0.7 ($0.48 - $1.3)
80% is less expensive than in United States

cheap restaurant

$8.1 ($4.5 - $13.5)
by half less than in United States