Currency in Mayotte euro (EUR €). For 10 US dollars you can get 9.52 euros. For 100 US dollars you can get 95.2 euros. And the other way around: For 10 euros you can get 10.5 US dollars.
Prices: Mamoudzou
Are hotels expensive in Mayotte? How much will we pay for a room in Mayotte?
The average price of accommodation in Mayotte is $141 (€135). 3-star hotels offer accommodation for an average price of $115 (€110) Overnight stay in a 4-star hotel costs $173 (€165) in Mayotte
And if the trip plans are simply for a given region of the world, then maybe it will come out cheaper than in Mayotte in nearby countries? See prices in: Comoros, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania.
120% more than in United States
Prices in cities and towns in Mayotte
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